Agua Cristal

We now offer free filtered water with your stay at the Mariposario! In an effort to reduce the amount of non re-usable plastic water bottles, we are now offering complimentary 18oz Kleen Kanteen water bottles with your room rental. During your stay at the butterfly...


Well, its Sunday and it is the first day it isn’t raining in well, the last week or so. Still it is very overcast and threatening to dump buckets at any second. So I thought it would be nice to talk about the times when it isn’t raining. We have some of...

Diaethria Marchalii

This beautiful butterfly is most commonly encountered near human habitations, where it is a familiar sight to see individuals perched head down on buildings. Its association with human habitation is most likely due to the fact the host plant is a common...

Whiptail Lizard

At the butterfly garden in Montezuma we have to remove all predators to keep our Mariposas safe. The 5 most commanly found lizards in the garden are the Black Iguana, Green Iguana, Anole, Skink and the Whiptail Lizard. The whiptail lizard, or Ameiva festiva, can be...